Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter III : Karma Yoga

                                              Yoga Of Action

                 Arjuna said, “If it be thought by Thee that knowledge is superior to action, why then O Krishna, does Thou engages me in this terrible action (1)? Thou confusest my understanding. Tell me that one way for certain by which I may attain eternal bliss” (2). Lord Krishna replies, “In this world there is a twofold path, the path of knowledge of the Sankhyas and the path of action of the Yogins (3). Man cannot remain even for a moment without performing some kind of action. Everyone is helplessly driven to action by the qualities born of nature (5). That fool, who merely controls the organs of action but continually thinks of the objects of senses is called a Mithyachara or hypocrite (6).“Do sacrifice to the Devatas. They will in turn give you plenty of food and cattle (11).
Constantly perform your duty without attachment. You will attain the Supreme (19). Janaka
attained perfection by action (20). The great man should set an example to the world (21). I perform action though there is nothing in the three worlds that should be done by Me (22).
“The egoistic man thinks ‘I am the doer’. In reality Prakriti does everything (27). A Jnani
who remains as a silent witness and who knows the essence of the division of the quality and functions is not bound (28).“Control Raga-dvesha, obstructors of the spiritual path. Do your own duty well. Control desire and anger—the enemies of wisdom. Master first the senses. Kill this enemy-desire byrestraining the self by the Self and by knowing Him who is superior to intellect” (37-43).


                                           SANKHYA YOGA

                 This is Jnana Yoga or Vedanta which bespeaks of the Immortality of the Soul. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna: “Wake up from the slumber of ignorance. This body and the world are indwelt by the Imperishable Atman, Brahman or the Soul. None can cause the destruction of That—the Imperishable. This Atman is not born nor does It ever die. It is unborn, eternal, changeless, ancient and inexhaustible. It is not killed when the body is killed (20). It slays not, nor is It slain. Just as a man casts off worn out clothes and puts on new ones, so also the embodied Self casts off worn out bodies and enters others which are new (22). Weapons cut It not, fire burns It not, water wets It not, wind dries It not (23). This Self is un manifested, unthinkable and unchangeable (24). “O Arjuna! do your duty. It is the duty of a Kshatriya to fight. There is nothing higher for aKshatriya than a righteous war (31). Develop a balanced mind. Having made pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same, engage thou in battle, thus thou shalt not incur sin; thou shalt cast off the bonds of action (38).“Thy right is to work only but never with its fruits. Let not the fruit of action be thy motive,nor let thy attachment be for inaction (47). Perform action, being steadfast in Yoga abandoning attachment and balanced in success and failure. Evenness of mind is Yoga” (48). Arjuna says, “O Lord Krishna! What is the state of a Sthithaprajna? How does he speak? How does he sit, how does he walk?” (54). Lord Krishna replies, “A Jivanmukta is free from desires, longings, mine-ness, I-ness, attachment and fear. He is satisfied in his own Self. He is indifferent amidst sensual pleasures. He is not elated by getting desirable objects. He has a poised mind at all times and under all conditions. He has perfect control over his mind and senses. He lives in Brahman. He is centered in his own Self. He is dead to the sensual world” (55 to 57).

Chapter I : Arjuna Vishada Yoga

                                THE DESPONDENCY OF ARJUNA
             This is the Yoga of the despondency of Arjuna. Arjuna saw all his kinsmen, sons,
brothers-in-law, cousins, teachers (Bhishma, Drona and others) standing arrayed in battle and saidto Lord Krishna (26): “My limbs fail and my mouth is parched, my body quivers and my hairs standon end; Gandiva slips from my hand (29). I do not wish to kill them even for the sake of the Kingship of the three worlds (35). It is a great sin to kill my teachers and relatives. If I kill them,family traditions will perish. There will be lawlessness (40). Women will become corrupt. There will be caste-confusion. The slayer of the families will go to hell for, their ancestors will fall,deprived of rice-balls and oblations (42). Caste-customs and family-customs will vanish”(43).Arjuna was overwhelmed with grief. He threw away his bow and arrows and sank down on the seat
of the chariot (47).

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